
“Come to me, all you who are weary,

and heavily burdened,

and I will give you rest.” 

Matthew 11:28

That is the verse that came to me at adoration last night that illumined for me my place as a writer at this time of intense division and loaded topics.

This makes sense to me since I have myself decided that further discussion on election politics is both fruitless and needlessly agitating; a distraction for me, at best.

I’m going to do something else.

So, whoever you are, and whatever you think about it all, you are welcome to come take a break from that stuff with me any time.

I plan to re-focus on trying to craft a beautiful, holy, fruitful, and pleasantly goofy life, one day at a time.

Gandhi said, “My life is my message.”

I want my message to be love.

So I hope this will be a refuge of peace when you need one.

I’ll be writing in these weeks ahead, about ways I am attempting to cultivate peace in my life. You are welcome to come hang out and see what I’m doing.

“And the fruit of righteousness

is sown in peace

for those who cultivate peace.”

James 3:18 
